A Product of The Full Plate Cafe

A Product of The Full Plate Cafe

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Doing Business in Kenya

Yes it is becoming a bit difficult to do business in Kenya. There are a number of laws that are frustrating, long in procedures and never clear. I want to share my experience at The Full plate cafe;

1-Payment of Goodwill: This is a normal procedure but may prove very expensive. If you are taking an on going business, you are required to pay some money for the good will that the former business owner built in the past times. The amount payable is never constant because it is an agreement between the outgoing and the incoming tenant.I don't want to tell you what I paid but it was good money.So if you are thinking of doing business you need to factor that.

2-Licenses: This is the biggest obstacle in Kenyan business set up. The City Council authority does not educate the incoming business people on what is required. There is the trading license, hygiene papers, medical papers, fire extinguisher paper etc. The list is long but these are the ones I have known and complied.

Many Kenyans are trying to make a living from small scale business, hence the many licenses required and goodwill are major obstacles. Many prefer playing "hide and seek" with authorities to survive.

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